Data Migration

Data Migration is a process of data transfer from one system to another. It is a crucial part of project implementation. No matter how good your AMS/CRM application is, improper data migration can bring the project to a complete failure. Our team is highly experienced in data migration methodologies and processes.

Our Strategy:

Our full-scale migration process involves below phases:

1. Planning: 
The initial planning is the most important step in the process. It is required to understand the details such as source and destination systems, type of the database, quality, accessibility and availability of the data, what data needs to be converted, analyzing data format, conversion cycles, and other requirements. These details are extremely important to define the scope of the migration.
2. Data Assessment/Profiling: 
A full data assessment is required to understand the profile of the source data. Data profiling is an integral process for evaluating the conformity of the data and ensuring it’s compliance with the requirements of the target system. It requires systematically scanning and analyzing the contents of all the columns in tables of interest. Profiling identifies data defects at the table and column level. AMS Experts uses various tools and techniques to perform data profiling. The results of the data assessment phase help understand the overall quality and volume of the data.
3. Data Mapping: 
The step involves the understanding of the source and the destination system, data structure and clearly define the source and destination mapping of the data elements based on the business rules.
4. Migration Design and Development:
It is a technical step where we create data migration scripts and define the data transformation routines. The steps involve data cleansing, data validation, exception handling, integrity, and data transformation. The output of the process is full dataset in the desired format for the destination system.
5. Validation: 
After the data migration, data validation is a critical step of ensuring the success of the migration. Data validation is done using the scripts, reports from the source and destination database and manual comparison of the data from the front end using the selective data sample.
6. Final Migration:
It is the final step of the migration which includes a full migration, pre and posts validation, and data archival for the non-converted historical data.